Covid 19 – Self Isolation Day 1 of 84

Well, the day has come to start my self isolation. 12 weeks of very little physical contact with the outside world! Only the dogs and my own thoughts for company. Of course, Wes will be here at weekends, but will still be working during the week.

I picked my 4 week prescription up from a new pharmacy, not sure I’ll be going there again, I was told it would be ready yesterday after 2pm, so at 4pm, I turn up but nothing ready so I go back today to be told can you wait, it still not ready. I understand pharmacies are extremely busy at the moment but if you say things will be ready, make sure they are. Anyway, I’ve got my prescription but what pissed me off more was the amount they were charging for hand sanitiser….£5.50 for a tiny bottle, should be wearing a mask and striped jumper!!

So on my return home, isolation begins!

What to do…It’s  only an hour in and I’m bored! This is going to be a long 3 months. I decide to do some colouring, something that always asses the time 🙂 treated myself to a couple of  pre-drawn canvasses before lockdown,  so started one of those. A very bright colourful affair, will look lovely on the bedroom wall.

Fortnite, I can see is going to get played quite a bit over the next 12 weeks,for those who are unfamiliar with Fortnite, it is a battle royale style game, you run around a fictitious cartoon like island with a variety of weapons and try  to eliminate other players, last one standing wins. Fortnite, also includes various challenges to keep it fresh so I will keep you all updated on what challenges I have done in each of my daily posts. Today’s challenges included visiting 3 different smaller islands without swimming. So landed near a  speedboat, I commandeer it and speed off to the first island, a plane crash site, a quick check for opponents and weapons, not much so back in the boat  for the second island, a little village of Tiki huts 🙂 another  search for weapons and a ‘legendary’ (the high end of weapon) shotgun appears , i  grab  it  and then speed off to the final island! This island is a little trickier as it is up on  a massive rock, time to get my DIY on and build some steps to reach it, one slip and I hit the water and all my hardwork is undone and would need to start again! Luckily, I manage it and celebrate  by diving off the top of the rock straight into the water 🙂

Lunchtime, pasta with bacon and cheese, a regular lunch for me whatever is happening.

A bit more colouring after lunch, a bit darker this time, some Alchemy Gothic pictures, a bleeding rose, a dragon’s eye amongst a few others. These are my favourite kinds of  pictures to colour.

Plenty of news watched, keeping abreast of the daily updates of Covid 19 and the  ridiculousness of stock piling! however, that is another blog altogether. The best we can do is Thank the NHS staff, teaching staff, social care staff, shop workers. This is  unprecedented times we are in, and we need to stick together.

I will try and write every day so you will probably get bored by day 84!!